Sponsored content writing for the 2015 Art Basel Miami Beach magazine
The history of Davidoff Cigars is intertwined with the lives of the Davidoff family. Zino Davidoff, founder Henri Davidoff’s son, was a visionary who took great care in the craftsmanship of cigars and was equally meticulous that his life be full of beautiful things. This legacy now lives on through the Davidoff Art Initiative, whose key goals are to bring opportunities and support to the art and culture of the Caribbean.
The company deepened this commitment in 2012, when it became an official global partner with Art Basel. “For us, being involved is a natural fit,” says Hans-Kristian Hoejsgaard, CEO of Oettinger Davidoff AG. “Our customers are, of course, people who are interested in what Art Basel has to offer. But most importantly for us, we share an interest in culture, art, and spending time on pursuits that are meaningful.”
To that end, this year at Art Basel in Miami Beach Davidoff will be hosting a VIP hospitality lounge inside the Collectors Lounge, as well as an additional lounge set within the Miami Beach Botanical Garden that will allow guests the opportunity to learn how to blend and roll a Davidoff cigar straight from the source: a master cigar roller from the Dominican Republic.
The hope is that Davidoff can provide opportunities in different ways than the other sponsors. “Many luxury brands are attracted to Art Basel for the obvious reasons,” says András Szántó, chief consultant for the Davidoff Art Initiative. “But few have taken such a big leap to launching and sustaining their own cultural initiative as Davidoff has. The DAI’s focus on the Caribbean is filling a void in a region that is starved for resources and institutional support.”