Canned wines are worth the pop of attention

September 7, 2018

Cans of Wolffer rosé cider

Before corks became so popular, vintners would often stop bottles with a rag. Yes, a rag. And although this switch happened way back in the 1800s, it’s not hard to imagine people having a hard time getting on board with cork… just like it’s taken people a while to accept that a screw-top doesn’t mean the wine is bad. But wine snobs are really going to need to adjust to the latest trend: canned wine.

Don’t turn your nose up. Remember that the vessel is no indicator of what’s inside. A beautiful corked bottle of wine could be garbage, while a funky, fun can could hold sweet elixir. Just like books: Don’t judge a wine by its packaging. “For so long, wines especially were so rigid in their packaging and marketing, and it’s refreshing to see companies take on new packages, design, etc.,” says Joey Wölffer, co-owner of Wölffer Estate Vineyards. Her winery started making cider in bottles six years ago and added the canned option this past spring. “There are so many benefits to cans from storage to portability to the eco-friendly factor. … The cans we use for our ciders have no effect on the taste of the product.”

See the full canned wine gallery at